It’s so lovely to have you in my circle. It is my honor to introduce to you some of my life’s most important work: helping you come into energetic alignment so that you may achieve wellness in your body. We all have a unique energetic blueprint, which encompasses how we feel, understand, and behave, and when in alignment with this energy, we unlock the key to personal wellness. So often we are guided to follow someone else’s way, when really it’s our own way, our Dharma, our one true path of self alignment, that leads to greatest enlightenment and thus our greatest health. I believe that wellness is a human right, and that all humans should have access to resources that help them achieve personal vitality, regardless of background or circumstance. Further, I believe we all have what we need inside of us; our own ancient wisdom, our own vision, and the power of our own mind, to find our own source of vitality. This is why I’m passionate as a guide, to help you discover this secret sauce inside, so that you may take wellness into your own hands. I have tools, I hold space, I reflect. You do the healing.
I’m a writer and communicator, teacher and facilitator, and a holistic nutritionist and chef. In addition to this I offer functional movement and somatic healing, guided meditations, and wellness coaching.
I am passionate about local food systems work and am always seeking aligned projects to join, in order to help further this important work, through my nonprofit Vital Vessel Project.
stay in touch with alaya + vital vessel

crafted @ saraspada